Welcome to Camp Nazareth

Welcome to Camp Nazareth
Welcome to Camp Nazareth! This online journal is the official journal of Camp Nazareth Conference and Retreat Center. Over the years, many memories have been made here. Through this journal we hope to share with you the many wonderful moments from the many years at camp!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Friday of the first week

What a week it has been! Our first week hosting campers is almost finished, and we as a staff simply cannot believe how quick the time has gone. Even from our arrival to camp, time has flown. I sit here writing this post thinking to myself, "I couldn't imagine only having one week of Camp." At camp, the time flies, and not just for those of us working. It flies for the campers too. Walking around the camp this morning I passed many of our Episcopalian friends. "Good mornings" were exchanged, smiles given, and even some occasional fist bumps and high fives happened. I asked a group of campers how their week was going. They all replied with enthusiasm and positivity. I remember hearing specifically some disappointment that it was already Friday and how camp needs to be longer. I couldn't help but relate to the feeling of time slipping away without realizing it. It seems as though we fall asleep sunday night and wake up saturday morning, everything in between being a blur. And somehow in the midst of that blur, we have incredible amounts of fun, we pray, we work and we relax.

Somehow in the midst of that blur, we receive an abundance of blessings to help us in every aspect of life. You know, this morning after the CN staff prayed Morning Prayers, Father Stephen gave a short homily. While it was early in the morning, and I was extremely tired, I couldn't quite focus on the prayers and homily in the way I wanted to. So I simply stopped and asked God to provide me with the tools to accomplish my daily tasks. God must have heard my prayer because I was very much awake just in time to hear Father Stephen say something extremely important.

"Every day we must ask God what He wants of us." - Fr Stephen Loposky.

For some reason that sentence hit me like lightening - it just resonated with me and burnt a mark on my heart, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since morning prayers. As I sit here writing, and reflecting on the week, I consider the mission of Camp, our multiple user groups, and the individuality of each person who makes up this beautiful community at Camp. I considered what the result would be of every person were to ask God daily, "What do You want of me?"

It's a challenge for myself and to you (the reader) to make it a daily habit to ask our Lord, "Lord, what is it you want of me?" If we're tuned it, we wait patiently for God to reveal His will. If we're not tuned in, we become tuned in by making an honest effort to live for Him, and Him alone. This ties in loosely with a common theme found in the curriculum of the Episcopalian diocese, which has to do with servitude. God calls us to be servants; so how do we know to serve each other if we don't ask God what He wants of us?

So, the first camping week has gone by, and it's been an incredible week. A week of hard work, fun and most importantly, prayer and fellowship with our Episcopalian brothers and sisters. I think I speak on behalf of the entire staff that we cannot wait for next year!

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