Welcome to Camp Nazareth

Welcome to Camp Nazareth
Welcome to Camp Nazareth! This online journal is the official journal of Camp Nazareth Conference and Retreat Center. Over the years, many memories have been made here. Through this journal we hope to share with you the many wonderful moments from the many years at camp!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Thoughts of a Worobey

As a student in middle school and high school, summer was always a time for swimming, going to the beach, and of course plenty of time to watch movies, play video games, and go on the computer.  It was a time to to be with friends and be as active or lazy as we wanted.  Of course every summer my friends from school knew that at some point I would be leaving home and going to Camp Nazareth.  With such confusion they would ask me how I would survive without my cell phone, without internet and without the luxuries of living in my house.  This was such a crazy concept for my friends and it also was very weird for me.  Then, once I left for Camp, my camp friends and I would talk about how great it is that we leave all of our technology behind.  We would discuss how we leave things such gossip, and arrogance, and pride behind as we come to the holy place that is Camp Nazareth.

While we do leave many things behind in order to draw closer to God, I encourage all those coming to Camp to not consider themselves leaving things behind.  When someone says that they leave something behind, it sends a message that that item will be missed or that they wont be able to fully function without it.  It also relays the message that the person will be returning to the item once they return to their "normal" life. Instead of thinking about all of the things you will be leaving behind, consider what you will be coming to.  At Camp Nazareth, you will be coming closer to God and to other Orthodox Christians who are trying to draw closer to God.  You will be entering the environment you are supposed to be in.  An environment engulfed in prayer, love, happiness, and ultimately a place where there is no shame in what you believe. 

Considering what you are coming towards will make you realize how insignificant the things you're leaving behind are.  This will also help you continue to live as faithful Orthodox Christians when you return home because you will not be drawn back to the technology and lifestyle you left, but rather continue to draw closer to God.  May God grant safe travels to those coming to Camp, and closer to God,a and may you always strive to grow stronger in your faith.


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